SU History

Quiz Question Menu

In the quiz you must answer five of ten questions chosen from any of the following.
Quiz:  America and It's Peoples
Chapter 8, 9

Chapter 8

1.    What principles did Thomas Jefferson believe he needed to restore as president?

2.    Identify one inconsistency in Thomas Jefferson's life that reflected his complex nature.

3.    What did Thomas Jefferson believe to be the proper role of women in society?

4.    What did Thomas Jefferson believe provided the backbone of democracy?

5.    Thomas Jefferson popularized the idea that a democratic republic required an enlightened an educated citizenry and that the government had a duty to assist in the education of a meritocracy.  What is a meritocracy? (Not in your text, check outside sources.)

6.    Identify one example in which Jefferson sought to rid the White House of aristocratic customs that prevailed during the Washington and Adams administrations.

7.    For what reason did Jefferson want to maintain "a wise and frugal government"?

8.    Despite his elimination of internal taxes, to what percentage was Jefferson able to reduce the federal debt through budget cuts?

9.    Jefferson believed that ownership of land and honest labor were the first basis of political stability.  What measures did Jefferson convince Congress to take in order to encourage land ownership and rapid Western settlement?

10. What action did Jefferson take that reflected his interest in protecting civil liberties?

11. What measure did Jefferson take to weaken the influence of the Bank of United States?

12. In what way was the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison a landmark ruling?

13. How did Federalists respond to Republican attempts to impeach overly partisan Federalist judges?

14. The Senate vote to convict Chase during his impeachment trial fell short of the necessary two-thirds vote.  What action did some Republicans take that helped guarantee the independence of the judiciary?

15. What consequences did the acquittal of Samuel Chase and the Supreme Court ruling of Marbury v. Madison have on the judiciary?

16. In what respect did Thomas Jefferson contradict his beliefs in a strict interpretation of the Constitution by purchasing the Louisiana territory?

17. For what reason did Jefferson simply send the treaty to purchase the Louisiana territory to the Senate (for ratification) instead of asking for a constitutional amendment to grant him powers to purchase land?

18. Anger over the acquisition of Louisiana led some Federalists to consider what as a means of restoring their party's former dominance?

19. What was Napoleon's economic policy of closing European ports to British goods and ordering the seizure of any neutral vessel they carried British goods or stop any British port?

20. What was the most outrageous violation of American neutrality rights?

21. What did the British navy allege as justification for stopping foreign ships and impressing their sailors into the British navy?

22. What did Thomas Jefferson have Congress adopt in 1807 as a peaceful way of forcing European powers to recognize American neutrality rights?

23. According to Macon's Bill No.2., how did James Madison hope to force either Britain or France to respect American neutrality rights by playing one off the other?

24. What actions by New Englanders reflected the fact that many of United States were divided over going to war with Great Britain?

25. In what way was the War of 1812 crucial for the United States in dealing with the Indians?

Chapter 9

26. What Supreme Court ruling established the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of the Constitution and gave itself powers to declare acts of Congress when constitutional?

27. Identify one argument made by supporters for the creation of a second Bank of the United States?

28. In what respect was the War of 1812 a stimulus to American manufacturing?

29. For what reason did shipping in farming interests oppose an increase in the nation's tariffs?

30. In what respect did the Republican Party contradict itself in what they stood for in what they carried out?

31. Identify one component of President Madison's program of national economic development directed by the central government?

32. For what reason were young leaders of the Republican Party eager to use the federal government to promote national economic development?

33. What name did Henry Clay give his economic program of high protective tariffs to stimulate industry and the creation of a large urban market for Western and Southern farmers?

34. For what did Henry Clay plan to use the revenue generated from tariffs?

35. Identify one example in which the Jeffersonian Republicans, reflecting a new spirit of national unity, adopted in many of the nationalistic policies of the Federalists party?

36. Identify one obstacle overcome by the United States that blocked sustained economic growth?

37. In what declaration did President Monroe announce the closure of the Western Hemisphere to further European colonization?

38. What action did the United States take under the leadership of Captain Stephen Decatur in March of 1815 that finally ended harassment American shipping off the North African coast?

39. Identify one issue settled by the United States and Great Britain in the signing of the Rush-bagot Agreement of 1817?

40. What action did United States take in 1817 to end the use of Florida at the sanctuary for pirate and Indian raids against settlements in Georgia?

41. Identify two problems exacerbated by the uncontrollable growth of American cities?

42. What does the author attribute as being primarily responsible for the growth of American cities in the early 1800s?

43. What change did improvements in transportation have on American agriculture?

44. Identify one example where an American inventor improved an existing technology being ignored by trained Europeans scientists.

45. Identify one example in which the American legal system changed to favor economic growth, profit, and entrepreneurial enterprise.

46. Identify one change made by the American legal system to promote rapid economic growth.

47. Identify one reason why United States lagged far behind Europe in the practical application of science and technology.

48. Northerners feared that expansion of slavery into the West would result pressure to reopen what?

49. For what did northern politicians exchange in admitting Missouri has a slave state into the union?

50. What amendment did Rep. James Talmadge, a New York Republican, introduced in Congress in 1819 that provoked the crisis over the status of slavery?